The 100 Day Project - Part 1

Lauren Sauder 100 Day Project

I recently read the below phrase in a book that stuck with me…

“— to keep your hand in your craft, to stay close to it.” - Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, Elizabeth Gilbert.

and I knew exactly why I started a 100 day project.

This year I decided that I would complete a 100 day project. My focus is to bring intentionality into my practice, work through ideas, and keep my hand close to my creativity. The journey so far has taught me discipline and has given me a unique perspective on my work.

Nothing I have created has been amazing, yet, and to be honest, it might be the most intimidating work I have shared on my social accounts. But, my hand is close to my craft. I feel confident in the transformation it will bring to my work and I am excited to see the new opportunities.

Join the progress of my 100 Day Project on instagram @lauren_sauder or #ls100dayproject.

Lauren Sauder - Original Painting from Earth Pigments, 100 Day Project


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